Fanatyk – animated movie titles
“FANATIC is a unique event on the Polish film scene. Director of the young generation Michał Tylka who is a friend of Pigeon Studio stood behind the camera to create a short, copy paste based movie called ‘My old man is a fishing fanatic’. This is the first such event in our country which links the ninth muse with internet fantasy.
Studio Pigeon co-produces the movie and our team was asked to look after the preparation and visual care of the intro and outro parts. The project logo used on screen is our original project. Michał Tylka allowed us total creative freedom. (Thank you!). The ending is based on the song Banana Split by New People. “
Graphic Design - Joanna Bernat
Art director - Rafał Blecharz
Ilustration - Joanna Bernat, Javvie
Stop motion - Javvie
Animation - Rafał Blecharz, Javvie
Production - Martyna Marti Orlik
Music - New People, Banana Split
Sound design - Halo Productions