A full-service visual effects & sound studio with strong branches in Direction, VFX, Animation & Design
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Juice blends dreamers, visionaries, idea-people, master craftsmen and women, to create a lush ecosystem.
They implant it with a variety of seeds from every moving experience—long, short, TV, and feature—and care for them until they are ready to sprout. The in-house roster of directors, writers, artists, audio post producers, and production supervisors dote over each delicate creation with skill and passion. They’ve done this a thousand times for the likes of BMW, Mercedes, Coca-Cola, Nike, Sony (to name but a few), but whenever an idea finally breaks the barrier between imagination and reality it never fails to get their hearts racing. And they don’t stop until they’ve squeezed out every last drop of eye-popping, thirst-quenching, simply good, creative juice.
Friday, 12:38